Q: How do you release and update technical documents?
A: Thundercomm’s documents are managed and released through document system (https://docs.thundercomm.com), on which documents can be read online or downloaded. In case of any document update, we will notify the associated users by email.
Q: How will Thundercomm support and solve problems when customers encounter problems during development and debugging? Do you have on-site support for urgent issues?
A: Thundercomm has a dedicated FAE team for technical support. You can submit work orders on our technical support system (https://support.thundercomm.com). Emergency issues can be supported on site.
Q: Do you have supporting kits for download, debugging, development and test available for users? To what extent are they open? Are they offered with source code or only with kits?
A: Thundercomm provides Docker Image-based code download and compiling environment, burn-in tools (no code, closed source), as well as common debugging tools and methods. Certain debugging tools (e.g., camera tuning, audio tuning, etc.) are beyond our supply scope, but we can provide technical support for certain cases.
Q: How do I query the sdk version provided by Thundercomm? What is the update policy provided by Thundercomm when Qualcomm's baseline is updated? In particular, how will Thundercomm support updates if Qualcomm has updates due to security vulnerabilities or other reasons?
A: Please refer to our SDK Release Note document for the SDK version. When Qualcomm's baseline is updated, Thundercomm will also synchronize the update. The update frequency will vary according to the current stage of the product. For details, contact our technical support personnel.
Q: Do you have mature OTA proposals? Or, do users need to develop on their own?
A: The SDK released by Thundercomm contains the firmware upgrade scheme on the device side. The OTA scheme completed by Cloud + device needs to be developed by customers themselves; alternatively, users can purchase our FOTA scheme. For details, please contact our technical support personnel.
Q: As to OTA, if we use our own Cloud, does your company have a mature open-source solution? Or, is your solution the only choice?
A: Thundercomm provides firmware upgrade schemes and API interfaces on the device side. Customers can develop FOTA schemes by themselves according to API interfaces, or purchase FOTA schemes from Thundercomm. We also offer FOTA customized service, please contact our technical support personnel, or submit work orders on our technical support system (https://support.thundercomm.com).
Q: Can you provide technical support to solve the problem of file system tailoring and necessary library dependence?
A: Thundercomm has dedicated FAE team and R & D team to provide technical support to customers. You can contact our technical support staff for technical support. Users who have created projects on our technical support system (https://support.thundercomm.com) could directly submit work orders on the system.
Q: Is there any explanation about the openness of the SDK provided by your company (including the openness of 4G, Wi-Fi/BT, camera, IMU, audio and other modules)? For example, in addition to the open kernel, is source code of SensorSerivce also open?
A: For the extent to which the code is open, please refer to Release Note of relevant SDK.
Q: Is there a GPIO resource table for the module available?
A: The relevant content is in the module datasheet released by Thundercomm. For details, please refer to the corresponding module datasheet document.
Q: Is there a recommended list of cameras? Are cameras excluded in the recommended list also supported?
A: Supported camera modules will be explained in the DK (Development Kit) documentation provided by Thundercomm. As to whether cameras excluded in the recommended list are supported, users need to confirm the camera spec by contacting our technical support staff, or submitting work orders on our technical support system (https://support.thundercomm.com). As Thundercomm opens the code of camera driver part, users can develop camera driver by themselves, and Thundercomm can provide technical support. We can also provide camera related customization development; for details, please contact our technical support personnel.
Q: Do you have production tools for mass production, such as burn-in tool, test tool, factory mode, etc.?
A: Thundercomm provides production line tools for SOM mass production. However, customer product-oriented production tests need to be customized according to customer needs; in addition, tool customization is not for free.
Q: As to production tool, can your company provide users with source code for the existing test tools, so that users can do customized development on this basis?
A: Some test tools include Thundercomm's own software tools and we do not offer source code of this part. We will provide API invocation interfaces for users to modify themselves; also, we can provide technical support. For more information on customization of production tools, please contact our technical support personnel, or submit work orders on our technical support system (https://support.thundercomm.com).
A: Thundercomm文档通过文档系统 (https://docs.thundercomm.com)来管理和发布,文档可以在线阅读或者下载。当文档更新时,Thundercomm会邮件通知关联的用户。
Q: 用户在开发调试过程中遇到问题,贵司如何支持和解决问题?是否有紧急问题的现场支持?
A: Thundercomm有FAE团队供技术支持,可通过Thundercomm的技术支持网站系统(https://support.thundercomm.com)提工单支持。紧急问题可现场支持。
Q: 下载、调试、开发、测试是否有配套的工具可以提供给用户,一般开放到什么程度,是源代码一起给还是只给工具包?
A: Thundercomm提供基于Docker Image的代码下载、编译环境;提供烧机工具(无代码、闭源);提供常用调试工具及方法;部分调试工具(如camera tuning,audio tuning等工具)无法提供,针对相关case我们可以提供技术支持。
Q: 模组因某些因素(如ddr,emmc,射频芯片缺货等)更换元器件,系统是否能保证软件兼容?
A: 更换主要元器件时会给客户发书面通知,同时保证软件兼容。但是为了支持新的器件,也可能需要客户升级软件基线。
Q: Thundercomm提供的sdk版本如何查询,高通基线有更新时,Thundercomm提供的更新策略如何?特别是后续如果安全漏洞等原因高通有更新时,TC如何支持更新?
A: SDK版本请参见Thundercomm SDK Release Note文档,高通基线更新时,Thundercomm也会同步更新,更新频率根据产品目前所处的阶段会有所不同,具体请联系Thundercomm的技术支持人员。
Q: OTA是否有成熟的方案?还是需要用户自行开发?
A: Thundercomm发布的SDK中包含设备端的固件升级升级方案。云端 + 设备端完成的OTA方案需要客户自行开发,或者采购Thundercomm的FOTA方案,具体请与Thundercomm的技术支持人员联系。
Q: 关于OTA,如果我们是使用自己的云,贵司是否有开源成熟的方案。还是只能使用贵司的方案?
A: Thundercomm提供设备端的固件升级方案以及API接口,客户可以根据API接口自行开发FOTA方案,或者采购Thundercomm的FOTA方案。Thundercomm也提供FOTA的定制服务,具体请于Thundercomm的技术支持人员联系,或者在Thundercomm的技术支持网站系统(https://support.thundercomm.com)提工单。
Q: 文件系统裁剪还有必要的库依赖的问题的解决, 是否能提供技术支持?
A: Thundercomm有专门的FAE团队和研发团队给客户提供技术支持, 可以联系Thundercomm的技术支持人员获取技术支持。已在Thundercomm技术支持网站系统(https://support.thundercomm.com)创建项目的用户,请直接在技术支持网站上提工单。
Q: 贵司提供的SDK开放程度有没有相关说明(包括4G、Wi-Fi/BT,camera、IMU、Audio等模块开放程度说明),比如imu,除了kernel开放外,SensorSerivce是否开放源码?
A: 在各SDK的Release Note中有代码开放程度的说明, 请参考Release Note。
各Q: 硬件上是否有模组的GPIO资源表?
A: 相关内容在Thundercomm发布的模组datasheet中,具体请参考相关模组的datasheet文档。
Q: Camera是否有推荐列表,如果不在推荐列表中的camera,是否支持?
A: 在Thundercomm提供的开发板(DK)文档里面会有支持Camera模组的说明。关于不在推荐列表中的camera是否能支持,需要具体确认camera的spec,请和Thundercomm的技术支持人员联系,或者在Thundercomm的技术支持网站系统(https://support.thundercomm.com)提工单。Thundercomm开放camera驱动部分的代码,用户可以自行开发camera的驱动,Thundercomm可以提供技术支持。Thundercomm也可以提供camera相关的定制开发,具体请于Thundercomm的技术支持人员联系。
Q: 是否有相关生产工具支持批量生产? 比如烧入工具、测试工具、工厂模式等
A: Thundercomm有产线工具可支持SOM批量生产,但是针对客户产品的生产测试需要根据需求对工具做定制,工具定制一般是需要收费的。
Q: 关于生产工具,贵司当前已有的测试工具是否可以开放源代码给用户,以便用户在此基础上做定制开发?
A: 部分测试工具内含Thundercomm自研的软件工具,这部分不提供源代码。Thundercomm可以提供API调用接口,用户可以API基础上做自行修改,Thundercomm也可以提供技术支持。关于更多的生产工具的定制,请联系Thundercomm技术支持人员,或者在Thundercomm的技术支持网站系统(https://support.thundercomm.com)提工单。